Trash, trash, and more trash. With a family of six we have a lot of trash and we were paying almost $400 a year to get rid of it. I decided to call our “trash remover” (Waste Management) one day to see if there was a way to save some money on our quarterly bill.
After talking about getting a smaller can and stuff like that, the representative asked me if I knew about paying my bill once a year instead of quarterly. No, I did not know. She continued to tell me that if I paid my bill for the entire year now that I would not pay fuel surcharges, environmental fees, or other added fees on my bill and instead would pay a flat fee of $20 per month.
WHAT??!! No fees, no extras, no taxes, no nothing?? Sooo, that’s what I did….$240 for the entire year…mine was August to August. That’s a savings of nearly $160…well worth my 10 minute phone call.
Will it work for you??? I don’t know, you have to call and see. It worked for my mom, my sister, and friends at church…even ones with different “trash removers”.
It doesn’t hurt to call!
Worked for me!!!
good tip! if you live in Mentor (like me) taxes, etc may be more expensive, but we only pay about $108 a year for WM garbage and recycling. However, since it’s billed quarterly, I am going to call and see if I can save even more if I pay only annually.
We have WM here in Cali too and I haven’t even thought about paying them annually. I’m due to get our bill soon, so I’ll have to look at it carefully. Thanks for the tip!