Spray paint is such an amazing tool. It can spruce up just about anything in a quick, easy, inexpensive way. I’ve used it on several projects lately and wanted to show you what a difference a little spray paint can make.
These are probably some of the easiest DIYs I’ve done.
This is the “before” of my salt and pepper shakers. They stood out on my counter top and I didn’t want that.
So I just took them apart, taped off the insides, and used my brushed bronze spray paint and painted away.
The job took all of 5 minutes but isn’t it amazing what a little paint can do?
Now they blend in beautifully with the basket and my appliances.
Another spray paint project was my bathroom faucet. Now, let me say…I DO NOT KNOW HOW THIS WILL HOLD UP. I will let you know. My faucet looked really bad but I didn’t want to buy a new one yet. We’re hoping to make some bathroom renovations soon but for now I wanted a change so I figured I would give this a shot.
I cleaned it all really well and then got to work painting.
I put on about four coats of paint.
I don’t really expect this to be a long term fix but it makes it look better at least until we can get a new one.
I’ll keep you posted on how this holds up. I only did it two weeks ago but so far so good.
While I was in the bathroom with the spray paint I realized that my garbage can really stood out.
Not for long!!
It blends right in now doesn’t it?!
As I shared with you in my coffee corner post, I spray painted this basket to fit in with my kitchen colors.
So much better.
It was cream and I wanted it white to match her furniture.
The picture really doesn’t do it justice. It is white, white now as opposed to the cream that it was.
Another spray paint job was my vent covers.
The shiny brass looked outdated and worn.
Not any more!!
These were just a few of the recent spray paint jobs. I’m sure there will be more. Just remember when you want to spruce something, spray paint is a great option.

Spray paint is one of my favorite pastimes. 🙂 I LOVE your ideas here. Definitely some things I will have to try.
I would love to have you link this up to my first link party–
Hilarious… I love that I kept scrolling and the projects kept coming! Fun ideas, especially the shakes (seriously, who would thought it?). I am not concerned about your lungs… did you wear a mask during all this ? 😉
Lookin' good!
Dang, you're awesome!
It's neat what you can do with spray paint. Last year I was re-doing my office/sewing room on a tight budget and wanted to use what was on hand. Spray painting all the containers and baskets in just a few colors (pink, red and turquoise) made it all more cohesive and only cost me a few bucks!
PS–you are truly brave to spray paint a faucet, but it looks very 'high end' now!
How resourceful of you! I love that you relied on spraypaint first before running to the store and buying new things. It's great to see people reusing and repurposing what they already own. Love that faucet especially!
Carrie, thanks for posting those spray paint projects. I have been wanting to spray paint the fixtures on a "garden tub" (that has only been used 5 times in 6 years…it is just too big) to update them…thanks to your post, I will probably give it a try (especially since the fixtures amost never get actually used.).
Great projects. I'm curious to see how the faucet holds up. True confessions – I'm a little afraid of spray paint but every now and then I overcome the fear and always love the results. Now I'm thinking I have a garbage can that needs a makeover …
i esp. love that you sprayed that faucet, carrie! i think i'll try that!– we just bought a $30 ceiling fan light (shiny brass) and sprayed it oil rubbed bronze-its gorgeous! tfs:)
i'll keep my eye out for your shed!
All your paint projects look great. I have paint all of those items and the only one that did not hold up was the trash can. Your faucet and other metals will hold up better if you put a primer coat and top coat on it. Please come over and check out the stuff I have painted.
Gotta love spray paint!
Great job! I love the updated look of everything!
Have a great day.
Love the power of spray paint for pretty transformations! I spray painted our bathroom faucets too. I sanded, used primer, then oil rubbed bronze and a lacquer. I will say they're in a rarely used guest bathroom and I only clean them using Lysol wipes but still holding up going on 2 years! 😉
Thanks so much for sharing your DIY projects!
These ideas were very inspiring! I never would have thought to do several of your ideas, I'm very 'uncreative' — so I thank you for sharing! You've given me some ideas!
Wow, great projects! I loved seeing your different ideas for paint!
Hi! Just popped over from Between Naps on the Porch and I love your ideas. While some of them may not last forever, they sure can give a room a lift until you can make a permanent change. I have sprayed lamps and light fixtures because if you really look at the new lights, many are based on the same design with a new finish. Great ideas! Thanks!
Stopping by from Meta Monday. My husband laughs at me because of all the things I spray paint. I'm going to have to show him this post to prove I'm not alone.
Thanks for sharing! I love me some spray paint… it's kinda like windex ; ) Fixes everything! I would love it if you would stop by and link up at my party!
Love the vent best! I also spray painted our bathroom garbage can – it was wicker… much better in black!
Hey the projects looked great! I especially liked the faucet and the trash can. I recently sprayed my daughter's towel rack and made such a big improvement. There is loads to paint in my master bath, but I haven't found the time to tape off the whole bathroom! I really enjoy your blog and have ended up here several times from tipjunkie. I'll just follow now : ) Would love it if you
Will be interested to see how the faucet handles hold up – we aren't ready to renovate yet but need a quick fix…also want to try out the drain area in the kitchen sink, abrasive cleanser wiped the original antique bronze finish off and it now looks copper-y. :/
Love this! I am a complete spray paint addict!
Thanks for sharing!
Visiting from A Bowl Full of Lemons!
Thanks for posting your pictures. I kept telling my husband that we could spray paint our fixtures. I'm sharing this post with my readers today.
You're on a roll! Keep that spray paint handy! Looks great! Thanks for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!
You've given me inspiration!
I LOVE the spray painted vent covers! I just got hooked on spray painting and never would have thought to paint those. Now I know what my next project will be. 🙂
I love the faucet! Great projects! Found you on Tatertots and Jello!
I loved how you walked through the house and found things that needed a little more life! Great ideas!
love all those great ideas! it’s amazing what a little paint can do . great post. I’m a new follower!~
Everything looks really nice. I especially love the salt and pepper shakers; much more modern now! Although it didn’t photograph well, I am positive the white mat makes the picture look a lot better. Nice post with all of the ideas!
I never thought of spraying the vents covers! Thank you for the idea! I also love 'spraying' and last year I sprayed all of my brass door knobs a dark, iron brown using metal spray paint. I had to prime them first with metal primer. I also sprayed the door jams. Every door knob has held up with one exception. My guest bathroom inside doorknob, the little part you turn to lock to door
I too have a love for spray paint and have been itching to paint my faucets for a long time and have been scared to do so. How are your's holding up so far? Everything looks wonderful.
Hey Tami,
My faucet is holding up well. I wish I had primed and done it the proper way the first time for longer wear. Others in previous comments seem to have had very good success. However, I'm five weeks in and still going strong!
Thanks for visiting and commenting!
I saw your posting on Frugal Girls…Thanks so much for sharing…I would have never thought of spray painting faucets…I haven’t sprayed anything with the new For Plastic paints but I’m glad your garbage can turned out so nice
I am also a fan of the spray paint. I recently spray painted the chain mesh fireplace screen with black high heat spray paint (found it at a yardsale!) and it looks sooo good!
Can you give us some tips on spray painting? I’ve tried to spray paint a few items in my house, but I never like the result: it’s always splotchy or peels off.
I love all your sparay paint projects, can I ask how has the facet held up? I really want to do mine, but it gets used everyday. I did my door handle outside and it is wearing off after only a couple months… Thanks!
I redid my faucet back in October…not sure if you saw the updated post or not. https://www.saving4six.com/2011/10/hows-it-holding-up-faucet.html I used a good primer…and it has held up like a champ. We only have one and a half baths in our house and that is our one full bathroom. There are six of us and so it gets a TON of use. There are a few little knicks at the top of the cold water
Great job! I love the updated look of everything!
I found this page from searching for how to spray paint towel bars, etc. Would you mind emailing and letting me know how your bathroom faucets have held up since they’ve been painted? Thanks!
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