Happy Spring to you, and Happy Birthday to Kiersten my princess, and to Colton my oldest. Colton turns 15 today…I can’t believe how the time has flown!! You are a gift my son and I love you dearly.
Kiersten was 7 yesterday. After three boys I never knew what I was missing until God gave me a daughter. I am so thankful for this blessings.
I saw a cake on Pinterest a while ago and knew I wanted to make it for Kiersten’s birthday. My mom is the cake decorator…not me. I was convinced to try however, and this is how it turned out…
This is how I made it…First I cut out butterflies using this cutter kit and fondant.
It was my first experience with fondant so I didn’t know what to expect. It was really just like cutting out cookie dough.
I did go a bit overboard on the number of butterflies I cut out…I wasn’t sure how many the cake would take. I laid them along these foam plates so their wings would bend making them look like they were flying off the cake.
I used a regular white cake mix and then divided it into fourths…coloring the four different colors for the cake.
I frosted in between each layer and then frosted the whole cake.
This cake was really easy and made the perfect birthday cake for my princess. It would also make a nice Spring treat or Easter dessert.
Yeah, I’m really going to have to try that. It seems so much easier now that you’ve explained it so nicely!
What a great cake.
I saw your comment at Bacon Time regarding caffeine and my degenerative disc disease. I have been asked to avoid lots of caffeine from my doc for the TMJ and I do notice my jaw pain is much worse when I have too much of it. As for the pain from the d.d.d and caffeine, it is not known to make it worse as far as I know. For me it seems related but I am sure it’s a matter of me feeling the pain in my jaw, then letting the pain of my neck bug me more, since I am already feeling the jaw pain. If that makes any sense at all, and now I sound like a whiny baby, I promise I am not LOl. I hope that helps. The caffeine stimulates nerves so that’s why it is hard on the TMJ.
I like this cake and I am sure, my little daughter would love it. Thank you for showing, I´ll keep it in my mind for her birthday!
That is adorable! I’d say your first experience with fondant was a success!
Wow the cake came out really good! Looks yummy! =) Thanks for visiting at The Latest Find, glad you liked the pickle jar re-do! It’s so nice to be able to re-use something that would normally get thrown away or recycled. I thought of the pickle jar the day after I tossed two Ragu spaghetti sauce jars! =/ New follower, hope you have a good week! =)
So pretty!
How fun to cut into a pretty cake and then have all fun pretty layers inside! happy birthday to your children, and to you for giving birth to them.
Well, girl, you’ve done it again. Inspired me to try something else. This time, the fondant. I’ve seen it. Just ignored it. We are having a bake sale for my church, maybe I’ll do something like this! Thanks!
Love this cake!! So beautiful! I’ve just started using fondant and gumpaste myself after ignoring it, as well. It’s like a whole new world!! Very clever bending the wings. 🙂
This looks so colorful and yummy! I’m a homeschooling mother of 4 as well 🙂 ~Ruthie
you love him, but you are acting as if you are scared of him or rather I think scared of loosing him. How come you couldn’t call or talk to the gf directly? Instead of sending an anonymous letter! If your husband still continues to contact or see this woman after you’ve confronted him, you should dump him. He is cheating on you and is arrogant.
Nice review and funny as usual! I do relate to your story when I am out with my two sons :DGeocaching is a nice way to get out of the house!Thanks for your informative and funny blog!/Stefan (Sweden)
Very cute. I love cake design, and I love to see your kids helping.
Omg… what a beautiful spring cake
Adorable! You did a good job!!
Adorable, I love butterflies! I love the way you matched the cake colors to the butterflies, nice little surprise inside. 🙂
This cake is so cute, I love it! I’m a new follower and would love to have you stop by my new blog and follow too, if you get a minute. My first link party/give-away is running now through Saturday. I hope you can stop by and link up 🙂
I just love this!!! Stopping by from Delicate Construction blog hop. http://southernlovely.blogspot.com/
Happy Birthday to your precious ones. The cake looks delish, as well as pretty.
What a sweet cake!
We have our first ever Beautify It Monday link party going on now and we’d love for you to stop by and link up @ bringingbeauty.blogspot.com
Such a beautiful springtime cake! Would you be willing to link this up to my Springtime Holiday Link Party? I’d love to have you! Thanks, Michelle
Oooh what a cute cake! Looks beautiful inside AND outside too, like you said! Looooove those sweet little butterflies, what a cute idea!
This cake looks amazing! YUM We hope you’ll join us again for Strut Your Stuff Saturday! -The Sisters