My kids are growing up!!! My oldest graduated last year and my second-born graduates in just a few months. My 15 year old got his temps this week and My Princess, well, we’ll just say she’s 10 going on 16…YIKES! Some days…like today, I sat back and began to think over the years and the fun we’ve had. Some of the fun times that popped into my head were dinners around the table, playing a game together, camping, and one of my all-time favorite things is the hours and hours my boys spent turning their room into a giant fort and using their imaginations to transform their “fort” into MANY exciting imaginary places.
I told you last week how frugal we were trying to be for Christmas and so when I saw this idea on Pinterest, I thought it would make a great gift for my niece’s kiddos. This fun “Fort Kit’ would provide the supplies necessary for hours and hours of creative fun for her three small children.
Not only would this kit make a great gift, it was a frugal one too! Many of the things for the kit were purchased at the dollar store.
So, here’s what I put in my kit:
2 sheets (preferably flat sheets)
clothes pins
glow sticks
I placed my fort supplies in a bag I made using a pattern similar to the Simple Cinch Back Sack that I made a few years back.
If you decide to make this kit as a gift, just adjust its contents based on the age of the recipients. It really does make a great gift for kids (and adults) that will encourage hours of creative fun!
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