It has been a HOT Summer!! I’m not complaining AT ALL. I love it hot and remember too vividly the super long winter months to complain about the heat!! However, as a mom, I know sometimes it’s hard to keep the kiddos cool if you don’t have access to a pool or other body of water. Several years ago, the kiddos came up with the DIY Trampoline Sprinkler and it has been used MANY times over the years.
So, here’s a look at this post from August 2011:
We purchased our trampoline a couple years ago for the kids for Christmas and I will say it has been their most played with toy…by far. During the summer the jumping surface of the trampoline gets pretty hot so my kids worked to rig up a sprinkler system to cool it down. This is what they came up with.
It worked great keeping the surface and the kids nice and cool and gave the trampoline a whole new appeal.
This is what you need to make one of your own and how you do it.
1- 1 1/2″ x 10′ PVC Pipe
2- 1 1/2″ 45 degree elbows
Cut the pipe into a 5′, 4′, and 1′ piece
Cut an angle on one end of the 5′ piece and drive the end into the ground near your trampoline
Slip on a 45 degree elbow
Put the other 45 degree elbow and the 1′ pipe on one end of the 4′ piece of PVC
Then put the sprayer on “mist”
and hang the handle in the other end of the 4′ piece of PVC
Attach the 4′ piece to the 45 degree elbow and turn on the hose.
Awesome. I will try to make this with my husband for our two boys. Thank you for sharing this great DIY project with us.