Winter is not my favorite season. I do not really like the cold and one of the worst parts (in my opinion) is having to climb into a cold bed at night. We’ve remedied this over the years by making Warming Rice Bags…actually they were Warming Rice Socks as we simply took an old (hole-free) mens’ sock and filled it with rice. Then we pop it into the microwave for 2 minutes and toss it into our beds prior to our arrival.
I’m actually warming my feet with this one as I type. |
A lady at our church makes much prettier ones and gives them as gifts so I thought I would continue practicing my new found sewing hobby and make a pretty one too. This is what I did:
I took an old t-shirt and cut out 2 8 inch x 8 inch squares. I sewed them inside-out on 3 sides and then turned them back right-side out.
Next, I filled my bag with 3 cups of regular white rice and then sewed the top closed.
I made a cover for the rice bag so if when it got dirty, I could just take it out and toss it in the washer.
This is what I did for the cover. I cut out a 9 inch x 21 inch rectangle of the pretty material I selected. I hemmed around the whole thing (not sure if hem is the right word…I’m still learning the sewing lingo).
Next, I folded up one end 8 inches and sewed both sides (inside out to hide the seam).
This top part then needed a quarter inch adjustment so I folded it over and hemmed it again.
Finally I added velcro to close up the rice bag cover. Just a hint…don’t try to add velcro with adhesive on the back…#1 It won’t stick to material #2 It will clog your sewing needle while you try to sew it on…urggg!!!
Finally, just warm your rice bag, place it in the cover, and you’re good to go!
And there you have it…a nice Warming Rice Bag. Probably someone with more sewing experience may be able to explain the process better but that’s why I took lots of pictures!!
Either the sock or the bag does the trick. One may make a nicer gift though…you choose!
Trisha @ says
Warming rice bags are a nice idea. When we were in Kenya, we went on safari and stayed in the night at a game preserve. They gave us hot water bottles to warm our beds. Unfortunately, the bottles leaked. Our bed was soaked. We had to go to the front desk in the middle of the night to request new sheets!
Sheila says
Those look really nice. I have made them before, and they have been well used – much more than I expected. I think if I make them again I’m going to try to make them have channels for the rice. I’m just not sure how hard that would be. 🙂 Good job increasing your sewing skills!
GracefullyCreated says
🙂 I Love these, I have actualy found that using Corn Cob bedding is very efficient for this as well as cheaper than rice.
Janet says
Nicely done, I wouldn’t have known you’re a newbie. I have thought about these but not gotten to them. If all my plans for under the tree happened, there wouldn’t be room to walk in here, LOL. But far from truth. The rectangle will heat more of the bed, for sure. Merry Christmas!
Melody of says
Love it! Thanks so much for sharing!
PS Please come over and share on my page today as well if you can
Anonymous says
make sure you use 100% cotton fabric & thread (or socks) if it’s going in the microwave. as we all know plastics don’t tend to do so well in there…
Andrea says
<3 this idea! Thanks for sharing! Please come to and share more ideas on our blog carnival.
OhioMomPatriot says
I love the cover idea. I learned the same lesson about the sticky velcro, when I sent hubby for some and that was what he brought home. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas!
Ann says
This is a great idea for a cold winter’s night. The washable cover is the perfect solution.
Krystyl says
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Kara at Petals to Picots says
What a great idea!! I would love for you to share it at my “Best of 2011” link party at
Lianne says
Another way to warm your bed is to use a thick fleece blanket under your bottom sheet. Try sewing elastic into the corners to make it more “fitted”.